Assignment 5: Light and Shadow
Read more: Assignment 5: Light and ShadowFraming the Void As humans we cannot conceive of a void, an infinity of nothingness, madness lies there. We attempt to ‘frame’ and contain the void with our own interpretations as suggested by Kazamir. Or the void is contained by something tangible – the edge on a blank canvas or computer monitor, beyond that edge…
Lost and found in America
Read more: Lost and found in AmericaAn interesting book, full of random printed snapshot photographs made by photographers in Boston New England America. But perhaps not so random as they are a curated set from the 30,000 discarded duplicates and rejects Gottlieb had saved during his 3 months working in a commercial processing lab in 1968. They come under the heading…
Assignment 10: Ex. 2
Read more: Assignment 10: Ex. 2Reflection on the Learning Outcomes Putting my camera into semi auto modes reminded me they were available. My ‘making’ has often been after the image has left the camera. The ‘made’ image might be colour blended in photoshop (Self Portrait, A1), or several images put together in a video (Void A5) or interlaced as an…