Reflection on the Learning Outcomes
- LO1 Explore a broad range of image making practices in photography.
Putting my camera into semi auto modes reminded me they were available. My ‘making’ has often been after the image has left the camera. The ‘made’ image might be colour blended in photoshop (Self Portrait, A1), or several images put together in a video (Void A5) or interlaced as an agamograph or lenticular image. (A7) Working through the course, I have broadened my understanding of what photography encompasses including the re-use of appropriated images.
- LO2 Apply a range of technical and visual skills within your photographic work.
The exercises with the camera have been useful.: depth of field, use of different shutter speeds for effect and focus strategies(A2). I have fully understood techniques and tips, such as the use of the phrase ‘expose to the right’ and why you should. As a result, I have the in-camera histogram showing now! My understanding of compositional elements and ‘rule’ breaking has been enhanced, particularly evident in ‘Void’ (A5).
- LO3 Recognise that photographic images carry messages and communicate ideas.
Since beginning this course, I have been exposed to a wide range of photographic images that have encouraged me to explore interpretations beyond first impressions. The orientation of the course focussing on socially relevant messaging has encouraged me to think about how messages in images are conveyed (Talking Photographs A4 & A3 projects).
- LO4 Identify and respond to different ideas and contexts relevant to your understanding of photographic practice.
I came to the course wanting to consider and produce images that were outside my comfort zone. I have considered Ruff and his pixilated images (unfavourably), Ama Hasa’s post production presentations, and Rafman all upsetting a conventional view of what a photograph can be. In that, I have felt enabled to produced ‘straight’ images in unconventional ways. (A2 P2; A3iii; A4 P4; A5; A)