
  • Assignment 3i Collections Research

    general intro I have relied heavily for this research section on a talk for this assignment called Photographic Typologies given by Glenys Garnett via the Camversations portal earlier this year. There are differences between ‘collections’ and ‘typologies’ A collection of photographs can include a range of different subjects, locations or colours for example, all held…

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  • Assignment 3iii Collections: Final

    A note to my assessor: This assignment rambles over 3 log entries: Assignment 3i and Assignment 3ii are the preludes to this final offering. I have for a while been thinking about my Assignment 1 Feedback and the statement that my assessment tutor was waiting to read “where somebody has expressed how much they just…

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  • Project 3.4 Attention

    This project seems to be about effective focusing of your zoom lens to achieve the result wanted. The availability of helpful software applications for photographers has increased exponentially over the decade that I have been using my camera more intensively. I did a google search for some software that I remembered that identified the focus…

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