Assignment 5: Feedback Response

My assignment 5 video was well recieved by my tutor as an “original and inventive way to respond” to the theme of Void.

He made a valid suggestion on improvement of the video timing. When I revealed what my photographic friends had offered in critique regarding some of the sections, my tutor said that as it was my work I should take their ideas ‘under advisement’ and make my own decisions!

With that in mind, he suggested maybe add some sound to accompany the video, maybe white noise? My response was that I considered it and on 2 counts discounted that idea. The prime one was that I disliked being subjected to inappropriate (usually heavy rock) music that overlays many of the YouTube videos and I tend to turn off the sound on such videos and turn on subtitles. The other reason is that I considered that any aid to coping with the void that I had minimally made would detract from my intention to cause an uneasy response to absence of stimulus.

On the write up he reiterated the need to keep to the prescribed word count.

He also suggested that I look further into the work of Mishka Henner.

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